Next Step Donors

Your gift to The Next Step Academy makes you an Agent of Change, which means your donation will go to change the lives of children and their families living with Autism. The dollars we receive not only meet the needs of the child today, but help make lasting change that goes well into adulthood. Your gift is truly an investment into the future of a child whose future may not have been as bright.

With programs like our iGap Assistance Program, Vocational Training, and keeping up with the latest trends in integrated sensory education, every dollar raised has a true lasting impact for years to come. Partner with us in the mission of changing the lives of children and their families through therapeutic education!

Change the world for the better with us, one child at a time!


iGap Assistance

Fundraising Events

We Are the Change


Our donors are our partners in our mission to positively change the lives of individuals with Autism, and to help their parents navigate the Autism journey. Donors take the impossible and make it possible. From businesses who have agreed to partner on vocational training to corporate sponsors who underwrite and match contributions, from individuals who give funds to individuals who give their time and talents or buy a t-shirt, we believe everyone has something to offer.

At The Next Step Academy we work to connect the talents and resources of donors to our mission in a meaningful way, and this is part of what makes being a supporter of our program so special. We love to see donors engaged with our community and connected to the impact they are making in the lives of others.

Do you have a talent? Time to volunteer? Resources to share? Contact us! We would love to get to know you more and get you connected to our mission.

For more information on how you can support our program by becoming a donor, contact Darrin Davis,

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

At The Next Step Academy we work to connect the talents and resources of donors to our mission in a meaningful way, and this is part of what makes being a supporter of our program so special. We love to see donors engaged with our community and connected to the impact they are making in the lives of others.

Do you have a talent? Time to volunteer? Resources to share? Contact us! We would love to get to know you more and get you connected to our mission.

For more information on how you can support our program by becoming a donor, contact our team at

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

iGap Assistance

With prevalence rates for Autism at an all time high, the need for financial assistance has never been greater than it is today. The cost to care for a child with Autism is astronomical, upwards of $1,000,000 across the lifespan. While some families have access to the treatments their children need via medical insurance, others do not. This creates a gap - between the cost of services and what families can afford. Our iGAP program is designed to help bridge that gap for families, allowing them to access services that their children desperately need.

At The Next Step Academy, over 90% of our families are receiving some form of iGAP assistance. With your help, we can continue to provide resources to our community, and make positive life change possible for children and families, who need it now more than ever before. Interested in donating to the iGAP program? Contact us today.

Financial Donors

Do you have resources that you’d like to donate to support our mission? We have a variety of specific projects and programs that you can direct gifts towards. Not sure where you can best support? Consider making a donation to our general fund, to be allocated in a manner that best supports our community. Endowment and gifts-in-kind opportunities are available. Contact us today.


Do you have a skill set that could be used in a school, clinic or office setting? Do you love to network and run marketing and special events? Do you love organizing, filing and cleaning? We may have a job for you! Contact us today for more information and learn how you can make a difference by giving your time to our community.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Fundraising Events

We organize a variety of fundraising events throughout the year. See below for upcoming events. Interested in hosting a fundraising event? Contact our team at

We Are the Change

The Change

Our program changes lives, in a miraculous way. Read on to learn more about how access to our program has changed the lives of so many children and their families.

Stories about The Next Step Academy

Houston Chronicle Article

Miracles and Autism are two terms that don’t typically go together, but for the families with children on the autism spectrum who attend The Next Step Academy (NSA), miracles are a common part of their daily lives, thanks to the efforts of an extraordinary young woman by the name of Lauren Harrington Abel and her dedicated staff.

The miracles begin promptly at 8:30 Monday morning when the children arrive for school, ready to begin their week, excited to see their teachers and happy to reconnect with school friends after a weekend apart. These miracles continue throughout the week as Lauren and her team work tirelessly with their students tackling individual neurodevelopment, relationship and behavior goals, while also mastering classroom behaviors and grade-level academics.

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Former NSA Teacher

I just wanted to tell you that I have now worked in three different Autism programs and I can honestly say that what you provide the kids is by far the BEST education.

I also hope that I can bring what you taught me to the public school system. Because of you I have seen miracles and I know more than anyone else at the school the potential these kids have. And because of you I believe in them more than anyone else. So basically I just wanted to tell you to keep doing what you are doing. You are changing the face of autism and hopefully someday your methods can be in the public system and change the way everyone looks at Autism. InSNC rocks!

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[I like that] sensory and motor planning issues are incorporated into the program. [My child's] conversation skills have greatly increased. [My oldest son] can sit at a desk and complete his work independently! [My children] are becoming more confident and independent.

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Christina H.

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Barbara H.

We really like that [NSA]…..focuses on sensory integration which other organizations are ignoring. You all do activities that feed that [child’s] sensory need. You all truly understand the autistic child in ways that other ‘schools’ do not. [Our child] now answers yes and no questions. This is huge! Before, we did not even know if he understood anything we said to him because he never responded. You all truly understand the autistic child in ways that other ‘schools’ do not.

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NSA Parent

[I like that the staff] challenges kids to do their best. [My] child is more engaged, communicative and seems happier.

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NSA Parent 2

[The Next Step Academy] works on physical, academic and social areas for developing a balanced, whole child approach.

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NSA Parent 3

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 - Next Step Day

Today has been another great day! God has taken the doubts of yesterday and lovingly reminded me why we are doing this and how POWERFUL HE IS!

Today Joshua was very excited to be at Next Step when we arrived, so excited that he was jumping up and down with shallow breathing. However, as soon as he was asked to hang up his backpack, he was very upset. I wondered about how his day would go. I thought about how big of a change this is for him and how confusing it must be to work in the summer, to work with a school one day, mom the next, to work in a space that has always been church to him and a place for fun and free play. Wondering about the day, I left him alone with his precious therapist Reyna, preparing to come back later for my training session.

When I came back, I found a different child! Joshua seemed much more settled, relaxed, and happy when I got there in the afternoon. He was happy to see me and not anxious about me being there, which was a change. During our time together with Ms. Reyna, I got to see several things…

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NSA Parent 4

We had him [our son] tested yearly through another organization. His overall IQ score increased by 20 points after only 6 months at NSA. My husband and I knew that full time placement at The Next Step Academy was the key to our son's progress.

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